
Tech's Next Frontier: Transforming Research & Digital Scholarship. USETDA 2024 - BYU, Provo, Utah.

Airport Service

  • There are a variety of transportation options from Salt Lake City International Airport to the Provo Marriott Hotel. Please note, direct air service is not available for flights from SLC Airport to Provo. The distance from SLC to Provo is 45 miles.
    • Lyft
    • Uber: $64 one way
    • Bus: Greyhound- $33 one way (1.5 hours)
    • Train: Amtrak and FrontRunner Provo-Ogden – $3 – $10 (2 hours)
    • Private ground transportation services ($300+)
    • Rentals
    • Ride-Share List (Add your contact information and flight arrival and departure details to our ride-share list to contact colleagues interested in sharing local transport from SLC airport to the Provo Marriott Hotel via Lyft, Uber, private shuttle or car rental.


  • BYU will provide limited daily van shuttle service between the Provo Marriott Hotel to the BYU Campus (one run in the morning from Provo Marriott to the BYU campus and one run in the early evening from the BYU campus returning to the Provo, Marriott. The distance from the Provo Marriott to campus is approximately 2 miles.
  • UTA Bus Service
  • Lyft
  • Uber

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