Get Engaged with USETDA

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Happy New Year!

We are sharing some exciting opportunities to build connections with members of the United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA) throughout the year. 

Join our Groups

In an effort to continue important conversations and facilitate networking among members outside of the yearly conference, the USETDA has launched two new groups.

The Community Engagement Group focuses on identifying opportunities for members to learn more about important topics in the ever-changing thesis landscape, promoting professional development among members, and creating a space for networking.

The ETD Formatting User’s Group gives a platform and a source of support and advice to reviewers of theses and dissertations, while also considering the future of formatting and format reviews: how is our field changing? How should our field change?

These groups will meet bimonthly throughout the year and will occasionally join to explore related topics in-depth.

If you are interested in participating in one of these groups or receiving communications (including upcoming meeting notices and event invitations), please visit the following links.

To participate in the Community Engagement user group discussions, you should complete this form.

To participate in the ETD Formatting user group discussions, you should complete this form

Apply to be a Regional Representative

The USETDA is seeking individuals who are interested in volunteering to be Regional Representatives. This is an opportunity to engage more of our membership and to get them involved in state-wide and/or regional ETD initiatives. You can learn more on our website and you can submit an application or nominate someone through this form.

We value your membership in the USETDA and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

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