Welcome to USETDA 2024

Tech's Next Frontier: Transforming Research & Digital Scholarship. USETDA 2024 - BYU, Provo, Utah.

Program Resources

The USETDA Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to welcome you to the 14th Annual USETDA Conference – “Tech’s Next Frontier: Transforming Research & Digital Scholarship.”

This year’s program includes two interactive plenary panel discussions, a workshop, eleven 45-minute in-depth presentations, user group meetings, as well as a variety of networking opportunities. All presentations will be streamed live and recorded via Zoom during the conference and in-person and virtual participants will be able to interact with each other throughout the event. You can view the entire conference session line up in our program schedule.

Most of our conference functions will take place on the BYU campus – Wilkinson Student Center unless otherwise noted. Join us Wednesday morning for a comprehensive 2-hour workshop on providing guidance for supporting LaTeX ETDs. Wednesday evening join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at our welcome reception at the Provo Marriott Hotel. Thursday morning we’ll open with our networking breakfast on campus. Thursday afternoon includes our user group sessions and Thursday evening includes our dine-around excursions to enjoy local cuisine and culture among colleagues. Join us Friday at 11:00 am for our closing session and wrap-up session!

We hope you will take some time to explore the variety of presentations we’re offering as well as to engage with colleagues in the USETDA community. We are all about learning and sharing with each other in a congenial atmosphere. We also hope that you will continue the conference excitement throughout the year by participating in our group activities and exploring for like-minded colleagues in our members directory. Below you will find a list of resources to help you navigate the conference program online.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@usetda.org.
USETDA 2024 Conference Organizing Committee

Program Resources

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