Dine Around

Tech's Next Frontier: Transforming Research & Digital Scholarship. USETDA 2024 - BYU, Provo, Utah.

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Meet at 6:30 pm in the main lobby of the Provo Marriott Hotel

The Local Organizing Committee for USETDA 2024 invites you to join us at some of our favorite dining locations to sample the great food and drink that Provo has to offer. Dinner is on your own, organized in groups. This is an opportunity for a casual night out with other conference attendees to share a meal and some great conversation within walking distance from the conference hotel. Sign-up sheets will be available at the registration desk. Options include:

Los Hermanos (Mexican)
1 E Center St. (8 minute walk)

Station 22 (American)
22 W Center St. (5 minute walk)

Guru’s (Eclectic)
45 E Center St. (7 minute walk)

Vegan Sun (Asian)
225 W Center St. (6 minute walk)

*Menu includes vegan and gluten free options

group of people making toast


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