Conference Bid Process

Bring USETDA 2026 to a City Near You!

The USETDA is now accepting bids to host USETDA 2026, our 16th annual Conference. Bids should be submitted by January 1, 2025. Note: We are planning to host a joint virtual conference with the NDLTD to celebrate the USETDA’s 15th anniversary, to be held in September 2025. To contact the USETDA Board, send an email to

The following information should be included in your institution’s bid

  • Hosting organization/institution(s)
  • Rationale for hosting the conference
  • Planned dates. Please include proposed conference dates and explain your choice, including flexibility of proposed dates.
  • Venue (city, information on conference facilities, i.e., number and size of conference rooms, and availability of Internet access in conference rooms)
  • Conference organization:
    • Level of logistical and financial support from host institution
    • Detailed information on conference support personnel
    • Distribution of responsibility for conference organization
    • Capacity to host hybrid and/or virtual conferencing via Zoom, etc.
  • Travel/Transportation considerations
  • Accommodations (type, cost, applicable city and state taxes, and access to conference venue)
  • Proposed special activities
  • Tourist information
  • Restaurants

The host institution(s) submitting the bid must be a current member of USETDA. The host institution(s) will work closely with the USETDA board over the coming year to plan to execute all aspects of conference planning.

Documentation about USETDA Conference organizing roles is available online. The conference bid information is also available in pdf.

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